His going to be an instructor the way he promotes himself on RSD. He thinks his legendary when his a chode. He cant post here because it will rin his chances to be an instructor. When we bash him, he goes haywire crazy.
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Hmmm...maybe. I remember seeing recently that he claims to have "40-80 lays," but then also said he had been going out something like 6-7 nights a week for like three years. Just about anyone who doesn't really suck could easily get laid that much if they are putting that much time and effort in at major cities. Ofcourse the fanboys will still continue to flush their money down the toilet.
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Disagree. This is like saying to Olympic athlete 'Yeah, I'd be just as good as you if I went to the gym for eights hours a day, are only really healthy food, and was completely dedicated to my sport.' I'm all for getting real with the seduction community, but let's not be delusional. 80 lays is 80 lays, regardless if a guy did that in a morning (which Dillan McMakeout did) or over 1000 nights. If you're sitting on your computer saying 'ANYONE could do that, but your fat lazy ass hasn't done it STFU and GTFO and prove you can do it. Faggots.
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actually I would think that guy would get a fair bit of pussy
also I would think pretty hot girls
one of the few on RSDN
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I think you missed the point...Im not CHARGING people money to teach them "pick up."
that girl in the middle is fucking weird, look at her disguisting tits. I'd rather go with MemeticHedgeFunds girls
a big LOL @the dude with the tiny wiener in MemeticHedgeFunds picture. What a gaylord. So much pussy there, and he will get none.